In JavaScript, objects contain one or more key, value pairs. The key, value pairs are enclosed in a set of curly brackets. Values may be variables, arrays, methods or even another object. The following is an example of an object:
let circle = {
radius: 3,
color: 'blue',
diameter: function () {
return this.radius * 2;
The dot . operator is used to access an object property value:
let radius = circle.radius;
Brackets and the key name may also be used:
let radius = circle['radius'];
This way is helpful when creating an object property based on another variable, example:
let colorKey = 'color';
let myColor = 'black';
let car = {
year: 1997,
price: 12000,
make: 'honda',
model: 'accord'
car[colorKey] = myColor;
Looping through an object can be done with a for in loop;
for (key in car) {
console.log('Key: ' + key + ', value: ' + car[key]);
or with
Object.keys(car).forEach(function (key) {
if (car.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = car[key];
console.log('Key: ' + key + ', value: ' + car[key]);
I use objects all the time because it's easy to retrieve items from when using a key.
For example, in my vacation road website, I store place types with a list of places for each type.
let resultsMap = {
Entertainment: {
details: [
'ABC, 123 Random St., Somewhere, NY',
'DEF, 456 Blue St., Somewhere, NY',
'GHI, 789 Black St., Somewhere, NY'
markers: [
{id: 1, show: true},
{id: 2, show: false},
{id: 3, show: true}
Hotels: {
details: [
'Marriott, 345 Some St., Somewhere, NY',
'Holiday Inn, 345 Other St., Somewhere, NY',
'Fairfield, 345 Red St., Somewhere, NY'
markers: [
{id: a, show: true},
{id: b, show: false},
{id: c, show: true}
Then the list of hotels can be retrieved by doing:
let hotelList = resultsMap['Hotels'];
Inside the javascript_tutorial.js file created in the JavaScript set up tutorial, add the following lines that are in bold:
// JavaScript Tutorial /* * This file will add JavaScript * to a website. */ (function() { let doc = document; let defaultLocation = [-86.7816, 36.1627]; // longitude, latitude function setLocation(location) { if (location) { let locationElement = doc.getElementById('location'); locationElement.innerHTML = + ', ' + location.region; } } })();
This adds a function that will eventually be called to set the user's location in the html page.
Next, in the js directory containing the javascript_tutorial.js file, create another directory called modules. Inside this directory, create a file called Weather.js. Add the following to Weather.js:
class Weather { // Constructor constructor() { }; getLocation() { let url = ''; let options = { mode : 'cors' }; fetch(url, options) .then(response => response.json()); }; }
This adds a function that will eventually call an API to retrieve the user's location based on their ip address.
The JavaScript tutorial series starts with this post.
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